(Well, so now I know if he is not tired and ready for sleep any given night, we'll just have him sign his name in cursive a few times and that should do it.)

Here is Malkolm signing each story, bravely enduring "Writer's Sleepy."
The events of yesterday and today have been kind of a whirlwind. We posted an auction on Ebay, and it seemed like a real knock when it was pulled for a listing violation just after at 3 a.m.; but like the saying goes, every knock is a boost, and boy has this been boosted. We're so thankful for all the efforts of our friends and family to share Malkolm's story auction with their friends and family to see how far this can reach. We even had a buyer in Italy today!
We'll be using this for now to keep everyone posted on the listing and how it's doing, and how everything is going with Malkolm as we prepare for his surgery.
For those of you who know my son, you'll understand this. Malkolm is somewhat of an old soul (to coin your phrase Zan). He comprehends things that are so far beyond his age it's almost a shock when the 9-year-old emotions come out. Sometimes I forget he's only 9, but he definitely is just this young boy who loves his little sisters (even when they fight), loves his family and loves his God. His faith inspires me --I battle my flesh constantly to gather the faith as large as a mustard seed, and I look over at him and see his the size of a Great Sequoia. I can tell you that God has definitely been working on my heart throughout this whole experience, and like I have said many times -- our children are blessings. Presents that we get to open every day and every moment is a gift whether it is 9 years or 50 years; I'll take what I can get and I would rather have anything than nothing at all.
Kind of a neat thing, one of the people who purchased his story from a family of writers showed it to his wife (an author herself), and his wife guessed it was probably written by a high school freshman. Malkolm thought that was pretty cool (ok, so did I, but I know that my view of him is completely biased in every way, so my opinion doesn't count in this instance.)
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes -- our family is immensely appreciative!! We'll be posting more as time allows! Once Malkolm gets through some more autographs, he'll be on here to post and reply to comments and such. Might be a couple of days, apparently "Writer's Sleepy" is a pretty serious affliction. ;)
I'm excited to read this story. I'm already wowed by his pre-first grade story. I can only imagine. . .