A story for sale, an author with a Lion's Heart.

My son Malkolm. How do I describe him? He is an amazing kid with a sharp wit and a kind heart. At 2-years-old he was having regular conversations with grown-ups, and learning how to read. At 3-years-old he was learning how to golf with Dad and play with other kids at his daycare (he is three in the pic on the listing). At 9-years-old he is reading anything he can get his hands on (lots of times he gets in trouble because he can't seem to put the books down!), he is doing long division and simple algebra. He loves math and science and hopes to go to Space Camp someday when he is old enough. Right now, he's happy to say he wants to be an aerospace engineer.
At birth he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Also known as HCM and sometimes "nicknamed" Sudden Death Disease. This is the defect that many athletes who die suddenly in competition have (but don't realize they have it until it is too late), however in a way he is blessed that he was diagnosed so early because we have known exactly what we were dealing with from the start. He has had more echocardiograms than I care to admit, and more EKGs than I can count. There is a number called a gradient -- which measures the obstruction caused by the thickened muscle in the heart. For a normal heart, this number is zero. Surgery is usually required when it gets over 50 (although this varies, surgery is usually done anywhere from 10-90), and his last stress test measured Malkolm's at 183. His blood pressure dropped to a dangerously low level during his stress test, and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he needs this surgery. I guess we sort of knew this day would eventually come, the day they tell us that he'll have to have surgery, but the reality of it is a much different feeling than just knowing. His surgery date is March 24.
He's so excited to see what his heart will feel like afterwards. Mom - do you think I will be able to run far? Mom, do you think I'll be able to breathe better? Mom, if I'm going to be asleep for two or three days, do you think I'll lose weight? Then after a thoughtful pause ... Mom -- now I'm going to have to learn how to take my pulse like everyone else instead of just putting my finger on my chest, right? I look at him (as he's poking his sternum, looking at the ceiling, pretending to count) and I blink a couple times, not quite sure what to say, and then he laughs, a big, hearty 9-year-old boy laugh and he says "just kidding Mom." (kind of an inside joke that when explained wouldn't really be funny, but trust me, that was pretty funny).
He has many times talked about selling his dioramas on ebay or other things that he makes, but we just have never really gotten around to doing it; he's a good writer, he earned a kindergarten writing medal for being the top writer for the whole grade level in the school and his writing went to the regional competition where he placed second.
So, we're talking a bit more and he said, Mom, do you think someone would want to buy some of my stories on ebay? And then we can use the money for my surgery. *sharp breath in ... must. not. cry*
This is the kid that I pay 25 cents to pack each package (he tapes the labels on and makes sure each one has a "5-star-slip" and double checks to make sure I didn't put the wrong DVD in the envelope), and he told me that he didn't want me to pay him for a while until we finish paying for the surgery. ... OMGosh. I don't know whether to cry or laugh or just hug him -- or maybe all three.
I'm going to continue to pay him those quarters that are adding up, and I'm going to love him even more for offering to give it up, when I know how much it means to him.
Malkolm is excited to have the chance to "keep up with the other kids" and not get so out of breath all the time (that about broke my heart when he told me that ...). When I started crying he said, "Remember momma, God is in control!" Ahhhh. The faith of a child. He slays me... I adore him...
Note from Malkolm:
Hello. This is Malkolm. I'm raising money for my heart surgery. The problem with my heart that the doctors are going to fix is called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is where a muscle in my heart is larger than it's supposed to be, and it blocks off the blood flow, making it harder for the blood to come through and give oxygen to my heart and body.
The type of surgeries that I will be getting are called septal myectomy and they will be putting a defibrillator in my chest. The septal myectomy is when they cut off some of the muscle that is in the way. I am getting really excited about the surgery. I have many questions in my head: Will I be able to keep up more easily? Will I no longer have fainting sessions? How will I be able to take my pulse after the surgery? (right now I can see my heart beat in my chest) How much will my sternum ache? How will I be able to do things that I can't do when I'm recovering? That is not all of the questions, but they are the main ones.

My mom's been pretty worried about me, but I just tell her that God is in control and He allows things to happen for a special reason. Some of the things that He allows may be distressing but it all happens for a reason that we don't always understand. The surgery doesn't bother me much because I know God is in control, but Mom doesn't always take that concept easily.
I hope that you enjoy my story, I really like to write and am working on other stories that I will hopefully be able to get published some day. Please save your story that is signed by me and hopefully in the future it will be worth a lot more than it is now!
Thank you for buying my story, please look at the ebay listing here: http://tiny.cc/MalkolmsStory
Malkolm Poyer

Excerpt from "Luna"
I keep on striding down the road, and a nice little house steps into my view. There is a closed window, and a small candle glows inside. I hear a voice: “Goodnight, Katie.” A small voice replies: “Goodnight, mommy.”I think to myself, “I think I’ll take a peek.” I jump toward the window, trying to get their attention. As soon as I smack against the window, I black out.
Got to http://tiny.cc/MalkolmsStory to buy to read the rest of my story! :D
Can't wait to get my copies! Praying for you Malkolm! We love you - and Uncle Frank will be there with you and your family for the surgery!
ReplyDeletewhat an awe inspiring little man...I'm anxious to receive my copy of your book Malkolm!! We're praying for you and your heart, I think those kids have quite a ways to go just to keep up with you! ;)
ReplyDeleteMalkolm...Our Hearts and Prayers are with You and your Family....
ReplyDeleteThank you for buying my story! I hope you like it. I am thankful that you are praying for me!
ReplyDeleteHey there Mr. Malkolm! I'm eager to receive your story.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, did you know you have a pretty terrific mom? Give her a hug from us, please.
Your friend, Raine in Oregon
Hey Malkolm,
ReplyDeleteYour courage & optimism is an inspiration for all. I love your song, "I can only imagine" we do have an Awesome God, one of my all time favorite is "Amazing Love".
I hope you like it! I will pray for your speedy recovery!
I knew a boy who at the age of 18 was diagnosed with a similar disease. You sound a lot like him. Full of life looking at the glass as half full instead of half empty. I believe you will do well with your defibulator...and new life...I look forward to reading your stories in a collection some day...
ReplyDeleteAlofa from Vegas-Britta Shaw
Yes, I do feel very positive about my surgery and I am not worried! My mom explained what half-full and half-empty means. I think it is a pretty good metaphor to describe someone what is optimistic or pessimistic without sounding judgmental! Thank you for your concern about my situation and feelings. :)
ReplyDeleteDear Nephew,
ReplyDeleteThis is uncle Faalaeo, the Taller version of your dad. I am sorry that you have to go through this. As I read your blog, I am so proud of you for being brave, but I sit here with tears because I know what your dad went through when he was young dealing with his heart. I will pray and hope that after your surgery you will run like the wind. Give your family big hugs from me and especially your dad. I love you and I wil continue to pray for you.
I'm sorry that you feel bad for me. I feel absolutely fine about the surgery; you don't have to worry about my situation. I agree with you that I will run like the wind after my surgery; I will probably even win a race!:D I gave mom a big hug just now, but no one else is home. I love you too. Keep on praying!
ReplyDeleteHi Malkolm! I met you at your Aunt Margie's wedding... I'm your Aunt Sam's friend, Lisa, in San Antonio. I am very proud of you, you have a very good attitude! I truly believe that people who have positive attitudes heal faster, so I think you will do great! My son, John, just turned 10 today! So, I've been thinking of him when I think of you since you are so close in age. I think he will be very impressed with your writing! I know I am! We are and will be praying for you and your entire family as the time for your surgery comes and goes. We have also asked everyone at our church to keep you in prayer too. When God wove you together in your mother's womb, He knew your heart intimately and in every detail. He knew, before He even made the world, that you'd be having surgery on your heart this month. He will be able to use your positive attitude, your love for Him and your story for His glory! Thanks for sharing your story!
ReplyDeleteMalkolm, You will not remember us but we were friends of your parents when you lived in Portales. Our son Kim was in your parents' wedding. Your family has always been very special to our family. We also believe that God is totally in control of our lives and we are very impressed by your faith. We know that you will do well with your surgery because of your positive attitude. Tell your mom and dad they need to bring you to Portales to visit us sometime.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless You!
Pat and Jack Willis
Hi Malkolm,
ReplyDeleteWe went to school with your mom and dad. Nate and your dad were fraternity brothers. You will be in our prayers and we have no doubt that you will be able to do all the running you want once you are healed. We just bought one of your stories and look forward to reading it. Get well soon!
Nate Williams and Andrea Mendoza
Malkolm, I am beyond impressed with your writing abilities. I cannot wait to get my copy. Hurry and get well really fast.
ReplyDeleteI was most impressed by his presentation at a previous Bear Den Meeting. Malcolm had articulated with a great command his health situation and the procedure he was about to undertake to the Bear Den of Pack 440 of Hahira. His buddies listened. I was impressed by the words and manner by which he talked about his current situation and the medical procedure he was about to endure. He is doing great and just from his ATTITUDE, I am confident he will endure and this will prove to be just another speed bump in his long prosperous journey in life.
ReplyDeletePlease visit the following link;
I just saw you on Fox & Friends this morning - you touched my heart and I bought your story for my boys - one of my boys is 9, gonna be 10 and I know that as a mom .... well .... you are a strong young man with a wonderful family. Our thoughts are with you as you recover and I love your Luna -
ReplyDeleteDear Malkom,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your wonderful story. I really enjoyed it and am so glad I heard about you today on the Fox show. I will be saving my signed copy as I'm sure one day I'll be proud to have known of you before you were famous! Best wishes to you on a speedy recovery from your successful surgery...I know you'll do just great.
God bless you,
Dixie Babcock
Dear Malkom,
ReplyDeleteI saw you yesterday on Fox and Friends! Such a handsome little guy you are! I can't wait to read your story. I just purchased my copy on Ebay. I'll be sure to share it with my daughter someday when she gets a little older. Our family will be praying for a speedy recovery to full health. If you ever take a trip to CT, let us know. We'd love to meet you in person. And if you're a fan of ESPN -- maybe we can get you on a tour!!!
Much Love,
The Houser Family
Burlington, CT